First, define a primes seq.
Second, define a function which returns the sequence of sums of N consecutive primes:
(defn sum-primes [n] (map #(apply + %) (partition n 1 primes)))
Third, define a function which, taking a list of increasing sequences, returns the first common value.
(defn find= [seqs]
(if (apply == (map first seqs))
(ffirst seqs)
(let [[s1 & etc] (sort #(- (first %1) (first %2)) seqs)]
(recur (cons (rest s1) etc)))))
Last, use them! Here is a sample question:
Find the smallest number that can be expressed as
the sum of 3 consecutive prime numbers,
the sum of 5 consecutive prime numbers,
the sum of 11 consecutive prime numbers,
the sum of 1493 consecutive prime numbers,
and is itself a prime number.
And here is how to compute the answer:
(find= (cons primes (map sum-primes [3, 5, 11, 1493])))returns 9174901 in twenty seconds or so.
Very impressive. What's your implementation of primes? My Haskell implementation, with all compiler optimizations turned on, took about 16 minutes. (I'm a Haskell novice, but still, 20 seconds on JVM vs. 16 minutes for native code says something).
import Primes
import Data.List hiding (find)
sums n = map (\m -> sum . take n $ drop m primes) [0..]
find ss@((x:_):_) =
if all (== x) (map head ss) then x
else let ss' = map snd $ sort $ zip (map head ss) ss in
find $ tail (head ss') : tail ss'
main = print $ find (primes : map sums [3, 5, 11, 1493])
Here's a better presentation of my Haskell solution.
@david: my implementation of primes can be found here:
To be fair, I retimed:
user=> (time (find= (cons primes (map sum-primes [3, 5, 11, 1493]))))
"Elapsed time: 88650.283232 msecs"
user=> (time (find= (cons primes (map sum-primes [3, 5, 11, 1493]))))
"Elapsed time: 5894.601122 msecs"
I guess that I got 20s by having some primes computed from a prior invocation. So nearly 90s with no primes precomputed and 6s when all required primes are already computed.
Well, here is result of mine ruby implementation:
Found: 9174901. Testing...solved.
Time elapsed: 3.343
Ok, saw a canonical solution in Haskell by a more proficient author :) -- in defense of my language du jour, the canonical solution terminated in a couple seconds with no compiler optimizations as far as I know. I'm fairly certain that my bottleneck was my sums function, which potentially recalculated the first n primes to create a sum containing the n+1th prime.
@david: ah, it fits better in the natural order of all things :-)
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