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Thursday, August 6, 2009

What *warn-on-reflection* doesn't tell you about arrays

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user=> (time (let [a (make-array Object 100)] (dotimes [i 10000000] (aset a (rem i 100) nil))))
Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:840 - call to aset can't be resolved.
"Elapsed time: 136063.015272 msecs"

With aget/aset, the index must be hinted to be an int:
user=> (time (let [a (make-array Object 100)] (dotimes [i 10000000] (aset a (int (rem i 100)) nil))))
"Elapsed time: 1064.546402 msecs"

Wow, more than 100x faster (reflection is bad) but despite the compiler doesn't complain one can help it to choose a faster path:
user=> (time (let [a #^"[Ljava.lang.Object;" (make-array Object 100)] (dotimes [i 10000000] (aset a (int (rem i 100)) nil))))
"Elapsed time: 247.446882 msecs"

On the whole we get a 500x speed-up with only two type hints.

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